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Creation-representation of the "ODE" project (video Mapping / live performance) :

  • Lille International Video Mapping Festival (59): April 3, 2021 (postponed to April 2022)



Creation-performances show " Instant (s)"

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Ivry-sur-Seine Stage (94): June 25 and 27, 2020

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Scène d'Ivry-sur-Seine (94), IN SITU: July 16 and August 20, 2020

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Ivry-sur-Seine Stage (94): December 19, 2020 (canceled)

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Scène d'Ivry-sur-Seine (94), IN SITU: December 11 and 29, 2020

  • Le Pavillon, Romainville (93) / Bastié elementary school: March 18 and 19, 2021

  • Le Pavillon, Romainville (93): April 22, 2021

  • Rosalind Franklin School, Ivry-sur-Scène (94): July 1 and 2, 2021

Performances show " La Mélodie from here and there"   :

2021-2022 season :

  • Pôle en Scènes / Bron (69): Friday February 11, 2022, 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

2020-2021 season :


  • Festival UP! / Brussels (Belgium): Wednesday 2 December 2020, 8:30 p.m. - performance canceled

  • Aqueduc / Dardilly Cultural Center (69): Sunday March 28, 2021, 4:00 p.m. - postponed to March 28, 2021

  • CRAC'S Cultural Center / Sambreville (Belgium): April 23, 2021, 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. - postponed season 2021-2022

  • Imaginarius Festival, Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal): May 29-31, 2021 - canceled

2019-2020 season :

  • PREMIERES: Théâtre du Vellein / Villefontaine (38): November 20 and 21, 2019

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Scène d'Ivry-sur-Seine (94): from December 10 to 15, 2019

  • L'Athéna / La Ferté-Bernard (72): December 19, 2019

  • Antoine Vitez Theater, Ivry-sur-Seine Stage (94): January 20 and 21, 2020

  • Auditorium Jean-Pierre Miquel / Vincennes (94): January 24 and 25, 2020

  • Espace Prévert / Savigny le Temple (77): January 30 and 31, 2020

  • Saint-Lô / Saint-Lô Theater (50): February 6, 2020

  • La Pléiade / La Riche (37): February 14, 2020

  • Le Pavillon / Romainville (93): February 27, 2020

  • CC Picasso / Homécourt (54): March 1, 2, 3, 2020

  • Imaginarius Festival, Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal): May 28-30, 2020 (canceled)


 "(Dis) -cordes" :


2015 :

Ivry-sur-Seine, Antoine Vitez Theater: December 9 to 20, 2015 / December 16 and 17, 2017

2016 :

Mornant, Espace Jean Carmet: January 31

Lezignan Corbières, Cultural space: February 6

Florac, La genette verte: February 12

Châtillon, Theater: February 19

Chaumont, Le nouveau Relax: February 23

Angoulême, National stage: March 12 and 13

La Hague, Cultural space: April 1

Les Ulis, Espace Boris Vian: April 15

St-Lo, Théâtre Roger Ferdinand: October 11

CIRCa / Jazz in Marciac Festival: October 28 and 29

Lamballe, the Quai of Dreams: November 5

2017 :

Forbach, Le Carreau-Scène nationale: October 16, 2017

Ivry-sur-Seine, Antoine Vitez Theater: December 16 and 17, 2017

2019 :

Le Mans, Palace of Congress and Culture: May 3, 2019

"Linea" :

2011 :

Saint-Laurent-de-Neste, House of Knowledge: March 17, 2011

South America tour with the French Institute:

Brazil: Sao Paulo May 25 and 26, Ribeirao Preto May 27, Porto Alegre May 28 and 29, Sao Luis June 1, Salvador June 4 and 5, Belo Horinzonte June 7, Araraquara June 8, Santos June 9, Curitiba June 11 and 12 , Londrina June 13 and 14,

Rio de Janeiro June 16

Colombia: Bogota June 17-23, 2011, Medellin June 24-July 1, 2011.

African Tour with The French Institute:

Bamako (Mali) October 4, 2011, Dakar / Saint-Louis (Senegal) October 7, 2011, Bissau (Guinea) October 12, 2011, Praïa (Cape Verde) October 13, 2011, Accra / Gumasi (Ghana) October 18 to 20, 2011, Cotonou (Benin) October 22, 2011, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) October 26, 2011, Kinshasa (Congo) October 29, 2011, Luanda / Cabinda (Angola) November 1 to 5, Maputo (Mozambique) November 8, Windhoëk (Namibia) November 10, Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) November 12, Mauritius November 15, Antananarivo (Madagascar) November 18, Lusaka (Zambia) November 22 to 24, Kampala (Uganda) November 26, Gitega / Bujumbura (Burundi) November 29 to December 1, Kigali (Rwanda) December 3, Khartoum (Sudan) December 6

2012 :

National stage of Sète in co-acceuil with the PNAC the glassworks of Alès: January 23,24,26,27,30 and February 2,3.

Rungis Theater: March 22

2013 :

Montargis, Le Tivoli: January 16 to 18

Algeria tour with the French Institute: from January 26 to 31

Aubervilliers, Espace Renaudie: February 15 and 16

Capendu, Le Chai: March 19

Béziers, Theater: March 20

Beauvais, La Batoude: April 8 and 9

Tour in China with the French Institute: Canton, Shenzhen, Beijing: from May 3 to 10

Toulouse, under big top: from July 27 to 29

Cannes, Théâtre de la Licorne: October 30

Ferrals-lès-Corbières, Cultural space: from November 18 to 21

Nice, Forum Nice Nord: November 30

Romainville, Festival Palace: December 8

2014 :

Reunion, Le Séchoir: January 15 and 16

Montpellier, Théâtre Jean Vilar: January 30 and 31

Vincennes, Auditorium JP Miquel: February 7 and 8

Carcassonne, Théâtre Jean Alary: February 23 and 24

La Hague, village hall: February 28

Angoulême, National scene: from March 11 to 15

Evry, Théâtre de l'Agora: March 18 to 28

Aubergenville, La Nacelle: from March 31 to 31

Sénart, National stage: from April 8 to 11

Alès, Le Cratère: April 15 to 18

Brive, The thirteen Arches: May 14 and 15

Saint-Fargeau, Cultural Center: October 1

Clichy sous Bois, Espace 93: October 9 and 10

Champigny sur marne, Center Jean Vilar: from December 18 to 20

2015 :

Huningue, Le Triangle: January 25 and 26

Rexburg / Provo USA Tour : January 31 to February 7

Mont-saint-Aignan, Le Rexy: from February 17 to 19

Boulazac, Agora Cultural Center: March 3

Saint-André de Cubzac, The fairground: from March 5 to 6

Villefontaine, Théâtre du Vellein: from March 10 to 12

Ivry-sur-Seine, Antoine Vitez Theater: April 8 to 18

Bagnoles de l'Orne, Animation Center: October 15

Sallanches, Salle Léon Cural: October 23

Villepinte, Salle Jacques Brel: October 29

Vendôme, L'Hectare: November 3

Elbeuf, Cirque Théâtre: from November 6 to 8

Paris, Théâtre de la Ville: December 16

2016 :

La Ferté Bernard, L'Athéné: February 16

Chaumont, Le nouveau Relax: February 24 and 25

St-Lo, Théâtre Roger Ferdinand: from March 21 to 22

L'Ernée, Cultural space: May 12 and 13

Japan, Tokyo : May 5-8, 2016

Italy (Palermo), Theater: November 3 to 5

Marly le Roi, Jean Vilar Cultural Center: December 2

Sotteville lès Rouen, the Trianon: from December 12 to 16

2017 :

La Riche, La Pléiade: January 6

Gap, La Passerelle: May 9-11

Representations of Short Pieces :

2009 :

March 20 Out of lines Angoulème Theater, national stage, Angoulème

July 23 Out of lines National Juggling Convention, Carvin

Sep 13 Out of lines Festival "Cerry Soit !, Cergy

Sep 19 Out of lines Juggling convention, Nonville

Nov 6 Out of lines National scene Le Cratère, Alès

Dec. 7 Out of lines Station Alexandre, Marseille

9 - 12 Dec. Out of lines J. Houdremont Cultural Center, La Courveuve

17 - 18. dec Out of lines Théatre des sources, Fontenay aux Roses

2010 :

11 feb. Out of lines and Small parts Station Alexandre, Marseille

11 - 14 March Linéa extract, Brussels

June 12 - 13 Linéa extracts l'Echappée Belle, Blanquefort

Oct. 9 Linéa extract Jonglissimo, Reims

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